A pilgrimage to Gaya (II)

( 25 September 2021 to 29 September 2021)

From Panchami to Ashtami of the pitR-pakSa, Shraddha rituals are carried out on eighteen vedis or platforms for ancestral worship inside Vishnupada Mandir. 16 vedis are located within the colonnade called the ‘Sodasha Vedi Mandapa’ and two in an adjoining mandapa. The vedis carry their names after the deities in the Vedic and Puranic pantheon and also after celebrated Vedic sages. Five vedis are are dedicated to the Puranic deities Rudra, Brahma and Vishnu (also called the Sanatana Trinity), Kartikeya and Ganesha. The other vedis are dedicated to various Vedic deities including the 5 forms of Agni (Dakshinagni, Gaharpatyagni, Avahaniyagni, Satatyagni and Avasathyagni), Sun, Moon and Indra. The rest of the vedis commemorate Vedic Sages, namely Dadhici, Kanva, Matanga, Agastya, Kraunch and Kasyapa. The Vishnupada Mandir is actually a complex of several temples; the most important being the Vishnupada, where the footprint of Lord Vishnu seated on a rock is there in the sanctum sanctorum. This ancient temple complex was renovated during 1787 by Queen Ahilyabai of Indore. The temple is situated on the banks of Phalgu river surrounded by rugged rocks on three sides and water on the fourth side, where Gadadhar temple is located. Lord Gadadhar is the presiding deity of the Vishnupada temple.

Days 6 and 7: Ashwina Krishna Panchami ( Saturday, 25 September and also Sunday, 26 September 2021) Location: Vishnupada Mandir and Phalgu river

This year, the pitR-pakSa had two Panchamis. The second Panchami was not specifically meant for performing the ritual inside the temple, hence, piNDa (cake of cereals) was offered at the banks of Phalgu river.

Footprint of Lord Vishnu in the sanctum sanctorum of Vishnupada Mandir
(The temple is named after the mark of footprint of Lord Vishnu over the rock Gayashiras that personifies head of the legendary demon king Gayasura, after whom the town takes its name. The footprint is surrounded by a silver-plated octagon. The Presiding Deity of the temple is Gadadhara, whereas the footprint is an un-personified entity ascribed to him. The foot is decorated with sandal paste, flowers and Tulasi or basil leaves. Priests bring out the auspicious symbols on Lord Vishnu’s foot like the conch, fish and disc — to remind the devout of the Cosmic Lordship of Shri Vishnu.)
Devi Laxmi inside the Vishnu-pada Mandir
(Devi Laxmi, the eternal consort of Lord Vishnu, is seated on a pedestal facing the sacred footprint.)
PiNDa-dAna on three vedis inside Vishnupada Mandir complex (25 September)
ShrAddha being performed at different vedis inside the temple on the first Panchami (25 September)
ShrAddha at the banks of Phalgu river on the extra-Panchami (26 September)

Days 8, 9 and 10: Ashwina Krishna Shashthi (Monday, 27 September 2021) to Ashtami (Wednesday, 29 September 2021) Location: Vishnupada Mandir

All the Vedis are located inside the Vishnupada temple complex.

ShrAddha being performed at different Vedis inside Vishnupada Mandir on Shashthi (27 September)
(The families are from Haryana and Madhya Pradesh.)
Cake (piNDa) being offered at different Vedis inside Vishnupada Mandir on Saptami (28 September)
PiNDa-dAna on two vedis inside Vishnupada Mandir complex (29 September)
Milk being offered at the ’16 Vedi Mandapa’ on Ashtami (29 September)
(This ritual is called Gaja-karna tarpana and is carried out on Ashtami in front of Ganesha vedi. This is perhaps a special offering to propitiate Ganesha and his Mother on Ashtami which in the local tradition is celebrated as Jivit-putrika festival.)

Two of the vedis are located just outside the 16 vedi Mandapa, where Shraddha ritual is performed.👇

The final ritual at the Vishnupada Mandir is offering worship to the sacred footprint of Lord Vishnu always… 👇

To be continued……

Ved Madhuri

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