The Vamaneshvara Dhama, Buxar

The Bhagavata Purana declares: On the day of Shravana-dvadashi [the twelfth day of the bright fortnight in the month of Bhadrapada], when the moon came into the lunar mansion Shravaṇa (Aquila) at the auspicious moment of Abhijit muhurta (around mid-day), the Lord appeared in this universe. Considering the Lord’s appearance very auspicious, all the stars and planets, etc. were munificently charitable.

The timeless myth of Vishvakarma, the God of Craftsmen

Vishvakarma is regarded as the architect among gods in the Sanatana Vedic pantheon. He exists in the Vedas as a solar deity and later came to be regarded as the Prajapati, the creator, in the Brahmanas. Vishvakarma obtained the status of the ‘divine architect and the divine armourer’ in the Epics and the Puranas. In the much debated Varna system, the descent of various castes indulging in craftsmanship is believed to be the progeny of Vishvakarma.